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IVB1000 Well Chamber, SeeDOS Code 90009
IVB 1000 Well Chamber, SeeDOS Code 90009
100mm long sweet spot
unmatched in other chambers.
The same rugged, reliable construction as used on the highly regarded
HDR 1000 Plus Well Chamber.
Exceptional precision and accuracy for brachytherapy source activities.
Source Holders available for in line prostate brachytherapy seed products:
BEBIG: IsoSeed
I-125 RAPID Strand™
International Brachytherapy(IBt): InterStrand™
source check measurements:
Iridium-192 IVB and Sr/Y IVB
Single seeds
HDR Iridium-192, 2.2mm opening
Caesium-137, 5mm opening
Caesium-137, 7mm opening
MICK cartridges
RAPID Strand™
pre-loaded implant needles
22cm Insert H, 3.5cm Insert Diameter,
Weight 3.6kg.
Click here for a PDF brochure outlining the IVB 1000 for use in Beta and Gamma Intravascular Brachytherapy
Click here for a new PDF brochure outlining the IVB 1000 for use in both Prostate and Intravascular Brachytherapy
For an Acrobat Reader to read the pdf file please click on the adjacent Acrobat logo 
Click here for a detailed PDF outlining the use of the IVB1000 in check measuring the activity of the IBt Interstrand™
Click here for a detailed PDF outlining the use of the IVB1000 in check measuring the activity of the Imagyn Isosleeve™
Click here to go to IVB Intravascular Brachytherapy Equipment
For an enlarged view of the pictures below please click on the pictures.
Source Holder for RAPID Strand Iodine Seeds for IVB 1000,
SeeDOS Code 70048 provides a fast and convenient method method to perform a quality assurance measurement of the I-125 RAPID Strand under sterile conditions. This source holder is constructed to simultaneously measure the ten IMC6711 seeds in the strand. A correction factor has been determined to calculate the activity. |
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Source Holder for IBt InterStrand, SeeDOS Code 70049
is designed for QA measurements of International Brachytherapy Interstrand source trains. These consist of ten InterSource, Pd-103 seeds or ten InterSource-125, I-125 seeds, with an absorbable suture contained within the open annulus of each seed. The InterStrand stainless steel shielding container connects to the top of the
source holder for easy transfer of the Interstrand to the source holder for measurement. |
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Source Holder for Single LDR Seeds for IVB 1000,
SeeDOS Code 70043
is designed to position an individual LDR brachytherapy seed, like iodine or iridium, for a measurement. It is normally used for monthly system constancy checks. This source holder has a 1.2 mm diameter opening. |
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Source Holder for MICK Cartridges for IVB 1000,
SeeDOS Code 70047
provides a consistency QA check of the activity of seed loaded into a MICK cartridge. This source holder positions the cartridge for a quick reproducible measurement. |
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Source Holder for Imagyn isosleeve,
SeeDOS Code 70050,
prostate brachytherapy needle delivery system from Imagyn Medical Technologies. Each isosleeve needle is provided sterilized and custom-loaded according to the treatment plan. The polyimide sleeve within the isosleeve needle contains the seeds and spacers and may be removed from the needle hub so that the seeds can be assayed in
the source holder. |
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Source Holder for Sr-90/Y-90 IVB Sources,
SeeDOS Code 70036,
centresthe source in the active area of the well chamber for a measurement. The source holder is adjustable to fit the length of the source to be measured . In the picture on the right
the source holder is set to measure a source 60mm long, but a variety of lengths can be dialed up.This source holder accommodates both the 3.5 and the 5.0 mm french catheters.
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X-Ray Contamination Test Tool,
SeeDOS Code 70042,
is designed for use with Sr-90/Y-90 sources only.It consists of a 7 mm thick wall of Delrin that absorbs nearly all of the beta particles.It allows only the bremsstrahlung radiation to pass through the source holder for measurement. |
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Source Holder for Iridium IVB Sources,
SeeDOS Code 70034,
Centres the source train in the active area of the well chamber for a measurement.The source holder is adjusted to accommodate the number of seeds in the source to be measured. In this example the source holder is set to measure a source with 22 iridium seeds.
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Source Holder for HDR Iridium for IVB 1000,
SeeDOS Code 70044,
is designed for HDR iridium measurements.It has a 2.2 mm diameter opening for the catheter. A rubber O-ring secures the catheter with a uniform constricting pressure to prevent any movement of the catheter. |
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Source Holder for Caesium-137 for IVB 1000,
SeeDOS Code 70045,
has a 5.0 mm diameter opening and is commonly used with manually loaded caesium-137 sources. A spacer within the source holder positions the caesium insert for a measurement.
The spacer for positioning the caesium source, is removable.
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Source Holder for Caesium-137 Remote Afterloading for IVB 1000,
SeeDOS Code 70046,
has a 7.1 mm diameter opening. This insert is used with LDR remote afterloading treatment systems. There is no spacer because the afterloading system positions the sources. | Click picture |
If you are interested in any of the products mentioned here, please fill out an Enquiry Form or Go To the Intravascular Brachytherapy Product List / Quotation Request Form, so that we may promptly respond to your request.
Please contact Colin Walters at cwalters@seedos.com if you would like further information or you have questions
or comments about this web site. SeeDOS Ltd, 26, The Maltings, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4BS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1525 850 670 • Fax: +44 1525 850 685