| |
SeeDOS Upgrades and ADCL Calibrations available
The following table illustrates the available seeds and trade names to show the range of ADCL NIST traceable calibrations (click here to go to calibration list) available from SeeDOS for the check activity measurement instruments available from SeeDOS (click
here to go to measurement equipment) and also to assist you in identifying available implant seeds.
Please click below to go to Seed Handling and Measurement equipment bundles available:
Calibration Bundles
Seed Handling Bundles
RE-CALIBRATIONS : Re-calibrations are recommended every 2 years for both chambers and electrometers. This recommendation follows that of the AAPM , Task Group 40, published in Medical Physics. This is not a mandatory requirement, simply a strong suggestion for ensuring
nothing has changed in your equipments measuring ability over time.
HDR 1000 and HDR 1000 Plus RE-CALIBRATION AND UPGRADE - please click here
SeeDOS offers calibrations from the University of Wisconsin Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory.
SeeDOS Calibration Code
IRIDIUM-192 | 80010 | Various | High Dose rate Ir-192 | |
80025-A | Alpha-Omega Services | Low Dose Rate Ir-192 | |
80025-B |
Best Medical International | Low Dose Rate Ir-192 |
CAESIUM-137 | 80020 | Various | Caesium-137 |
IODINE-125 |
Amersham 6702
Amersham 6711
OncoSeed™ RAPID Strand™
North American Scientific
Best Industries
BEST Iodine-125
IsoSeed, IsoCord |
Mills Biopharmaceuticals
Implant Sciences
International Brachytherapy
InterSource-125 , InterStrand-125 |
Source Tech
| |
80040-M |
Nucletron Corp. |
North American Scientific
Pd Gold
Theraseed 200
Best Industries
BEST Palladium-103
| |
International Brachytherapy
InterSource 103 , InterStrand-103 |
STRONTIUM-90/ | 80036-3.5 | Novoste IVB | Sr90/Y90,3.5 french catheter |
YTTRIUM-90 | 80036-5.0 | Novoste IVB | Sr90/Y90,5.0 french catheter |
COBALT-60 | 80031 | Calibration for Therapy Ionization Chamber | Cobalt Point in Water, First Point |
| 80032 | Calibration for Therapy Ionization Chamber | Cobalt Point in Air, First Point |
| 80030-B | Calibration for Therapy Ionization Chamber | Each additional calibration point, same chamber |
ELECTROMETER | 80015-2 | Two scales | Amp and Coulomb scales |
CALIBRATION | 80015-4 | Four scales | | |
80015-1 |
One scale | |
Rapid Strand, Metastron, and OncoSeed are trademarks of Amersham plc.
Option One:
Send your HDR 1000 Plus Brachytherapy Well Chamber to Standard Imaging via SeeDOS contact. We will facilitate your HDR 192Ir re-calibration by the Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory - University of Wisconsin. Standard Imaging will
examine your HDR 1000 Brachytherapy Well Chamber to assure its integrity.
Standard Imaging and SeeDOS will include a six month extended warranty effective from the time of re-calibration. |
Option Two:
HDR 1000 Plus Upgrade Option - for Increased Sensitivity
If you have the older version HDR 1000, SeeDOS/Standard Imaging will upgrade your HDR 1000 to the new HDR 1000 Plus design. The HDR 1000 Plus has a much less attenuating window which makes the HDR 1000 Plus 30% more sensitive than the HDR 1000 for iodine seed and palladium seed measurements, REF 91008. This upgrade would be important to obtain if your facility may be
treating patients with the 6711 iodine seeds, or palladium seeds for prostate cancer. The HDR 1000 you currently have is not quite sensitive enough for the 6711 iodine seed and palladium seeds typically used for prostate cancer treatment.
Note; as this upgrade will invalidate current calibrations it is best to obtain this upgrade when your HDR 1000 needs re-calibration.
Note: if you currently have an HDR 1000 insert for caesium, P/N 70005, it must also be upgraded to P/N 70020 when you obtain the upgrade to the HDR 1000 Plus.
When you return your HDR 1000 for an HDR 192Ir re-calibration, it would be an excellent time to obtain this upgrade and add inserts and calibrations for low dose rate isotopes. |
Additional Source Holders Available for the HDR 1000 Plus
70003 |
Source Holder for Caesium Remote Afterloading, 7.1 mm opening |
70008 |
Quality Assurance Tool Insert |
70009 |
Source Holder for Low Dose Rate Iridium Ribbons |
70010 |
Source Holder for HDR Iridium, 2.2 mm opening |
70016 |
Source Holder for Individual Iodine, Iridium, or Palladium Seeds |
70020 |
Source Holder for Caesium. This replaces P/N 70005 which will not work with the HDR 1000 Plus Brachytherapy Well Chamber. A trade in is available, P/N 70020U. |
70022 |
Source Holder for LDR Seed Batch Assay |
70023 |
Source Holder for Measurement of RAPID StrandTM Iodine Seeds |
70024 |
Source Holder for Mick® Cartridge |
70026 |
Source holder for 5cc and 10cc MetastronTM Syringes |
70032 |
Source Holder for Bard Express Seeding Cartridge |
Send your MAX 4000 Electrometer to Standard Imaging via SeeDOS contact. We will facilitate your re-calibration by the Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory - University of Wisconsin. Standard Imaging will
examine your MAX 4000 Electrometer to assure its integrity.
Standard Imaging and SeeDOS will include a six month extended warranty effective from the time of re-calibration.
If you require an upgrade of your MAX 4000 Electrometer for the new MAXCOMM software please contact SeeDOS who will facilitate your upgrade. If necessary send your MAX 4000 Electrometer to Standard Imaging using the address
provided by SeeDOS ltd. Details of the new MAXCOMM software are shown below :

MAX COMM software is now shipping with every MAX-4000 or MAX-4001 Electrometer! MAX COMM software is designed to give
advanced control and configuration options
to the SeeDOS Standard Imaging MAX-4000 or MAX-4001 Electrometer by enabling the user to specify and save multiple hardware configurations when taking measurements and working with those results. Operating with this program requires a MAX-4000 with firmware version 4.4 or higher or MAX-4001 with firmware version 1.0 or higher. Take advantage of the communication components in both library and
measurement modes, and upgrade your MAX today!
- Utilize a library of stored calibration factors
- Step through calculations automatically
- Calculate temperature and pressure corrections
- Control the electrometer remotely
- Retrieve raw measurements from the MAX-4000 or MAX-4001
- Export data in Excel® readable format
To ensure your electrometer is compatible with the MAX COMM software, please contact SeeDOS for more information on how to upgrade the firmware in your system to the latest version.
E-mail us at cwalters@seedos.com for technical questions regarding MAX COMM or for software version updates.
See screenshots below |


Electrometer |
MAX-4000 with firmware version 4.4 or higher, or MAX-4001 with firmware version 1.0 or higher. |
Connection |
Serial Port |
Processor |
Intel-compatible Pentium 90 or higher |
Memory |
32MB of RAM |
Hard Disk Space |
Minimum of 30 MB available |
Operation System |
Win9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP |
If you are interested in any of the products, please complete an Enquiry Form or a Quotation Request Form, so that we
promptly respond to your request.
Please contact Colin Walters at cwalters@seedos.com if you would like further information or you have questions
or comments about this web site. SeeDOS Ltd, 26, The Maltings, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4BS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1525 850 670 • Fax: +44 1525 850 685