HDR Iridium-192 Source
HDR IRIDIUM-192 SOURCES - HDR1000plus and
IVB 1000 Well Chamber Source Holders
SeeDOS Codes HDR 1000 Plus
70010 and IVB 1000 70044
The high dose rate iridium source
holder has a 2.2 mm opening for the catheter. A rubber O-ring secures the
catheter with a uniform constricting pressure to prevent catheter movement. The
calibration procedure is easy and uncomplicated, and the time required for
calibration is a fraction of that required for thimble ion chamber techniques.

HDR Iridium Source Holder
SeeDOS Codes 70010 & 70044
TOOL - HDR1000plus Source Holder, SeeDOS Code 70008
The HDR 192Ir Quality
Assurance Tool performs crucial tests of 192Ir sources including
source positioning within 0.3 mm, timer accuracy, and consistency of source
activity. Tests can be completed in as little as 15 minutes and require no films
or development procedures.
Medical Physics. 22(4): 435-440, 1995

HDR 192Ir Quality Assurance Tool
SeeDOS Code