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Basic In Vivo Dosimetry Patient Dose Verification System, SeeDOS Code 1131
The IVD™ has become the recognized leader in diode based in-vivo-dosimetry. The IVD™ features three standard coaxial inputs (for up to 39 channel expansion, please see our rf-IVD™). Users have the choice to interface via Windows PC software or a compact Control Module. The IVD™ uses DIODES to deliver dose data in Real-Time, without the need to process disposable
dosimeters after the treatment delivery has finished. Excellent measurement reproducibility of ISORAD-p™ and QED™ diodes helps to minimize time cost and complication. All of this plus a streamlined user interface that features simple START/STOP operation and make the IVD™ a logical choice. |
Applications The IVD™ is a patient dosimeter used for real-time patient dose monitoring.
Two-Button Operation is Therapist Friendly The IVD™ is operated using a very simple and intuitive START/STOP operation. 1. START measurement by selecting one of 12 energy keys. 2. Administer treatment plan. 3. Dose data is updated on the IVD™ display in real time. Select STOP once plan is complete.
User Interfaces via Windows PC software or Display Module The IVD™ is supplied with Windows PC Software. For an even more streamlined installation, or if counter space or PC access is limited, the Control Module is a popular option.
Accuracy & Reproducablity The IVD™ is an exceptionally accurate dosimeter with zero bias voltage for maximum patient safety. Accuracy of the IVD™ is therefore limited to the specifications of the diode detector in use.
ISORAD-p™ and
QED™ diodes feature reproducibility of < 0.5% for > 1cGy.
For a technical comparison against the
MOSFET detector, click here.
Features Exceptional reproducibility & accuracy Low setup costs Windows PC or Control Module operation Available compact printer for hard copy generation Simple Two-Button (START/STOP) operation Compatible with + or – polarity diodes Can be used with Co-60 and Linear Accelerator Beams No need to add build up to diode detectors Accuracy and Ease of
Use since 1995
If you are interested in any of the products mentioned here, please complete a Quotation Request Form or an Enquiry Form so that we may promptly respond to your detailed request.
A pdf brochure is available on request
Please contact Colin Walters at cwalters@seedos.com if you would like further information or you have questions
or comments about this web site. SeeDOS Ltd, 26, The Maltings, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 4BS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1525 850 670 • Fax: +44 1525 850 685