3D Prostate Mapping 3D Pathologic Mapping
Three dimensional mapping has evolved so physicians are now routinely obtaining between 20-80 biopsies, depending on the size of the prostate. these biopsies are obtained transperinealy, between the scrotum and rectum, using the same approach used in brachytherapy and cryoablation. Information from these biopsies can be used to create a virtual 3D map of the prostate identifying the location and extent of the cancer. While this procedure was initially intended to help with the diagnosis of prostate cancer, 3D mapping has recently extended to include patients in all stages of diagnosis and treatment.
Transperineal 3-Dimensional Pathologic Mapping of the Prostate, A 4-Year Experience by Drs. Winston E. Barzell and Myron R. Melamed
Template guided transperineal 3D pathologic mapping kit , SeeDOS Code 610-1001
( box of 12 ) Why Prostate Saturation Biopsy? This technique involves collecting 20+ biopsies using a Template Guided, Transperineal approach accesses the transition zone and apex where a significant number of men may harbour cancer. These areas are not accessible using the traditional Trans Rectal approach. What is the 3D Prostate Mapping Approach to Saturation Biopsy? It allows the Urologist a means to saturate the prostate with biopsies using a systematic and reproducible technique of placemats and labels. The SeeDOS AccuCARE method organizes the prostate into 8 regions (octants) and further divides the gland into 26 sections. Each secton is biopsied and catalogued based on its location in the prostate. All are readily accessible using the three reference planes commonly used in ultrasound.
3D Mapping Solution Simplifies 3DPM: • Sterile specimen placemats and matching labels for pathology jars provide operating room personnel with a systematic manner of cataloguing biopsy cores • Map each prostate octant into 3 zones
3D Mapping Features: • Minimizes the risk of specimen labelling and loss • Provides multiple sterile foam pads for easy specimen transfer • Intuitive Tyvek placemats clearly labelled with corresponding labels accelerate specimen capture and organization
Who is a Candidate for Prostate Saturation Biopsy? Patients with an adverse PSA parameter who have had a previous negative Transrectal Biopsy What Constitutes Prostate Saturation Biopsy? The procedure must be performed under general anaesthesia using a Transperineal approach. This involves 20+ biopsies, depending on the size of the prostate, using a template grid. The template grid allows systematic sampling from the entire prostate gland. When Can I Start? Immediately, Prostate Saturation Biopsy is available today.
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