Linac Geocheck, SeeDOS Code GC1
The Geocheck-1 for fast and precise geometric tests of linear accelerators
The Geocheck-1 provides a fast and simple way to verify recommended (i.e. TG40), periodic checks of the treatment system and to perform higher level physics tests.
Geocheck-1, the following parameters can be evaluated.
Alignment of the laser system |
Mechanical isocenter 0°- 90°- 270° |
Agreement between the light field axis and the mechanical axis of the collimator |
Indication of the size of collimators |
Symmetry of collimators |
Collimator rotation scale |
Effect of gravity position on collimators at 90° and at 270° |
Value of the ODI isocenter distance |
Variations of the ODI with gantry rotation |
Linearity of the ODI |
Direction and scale of the rectilinear movements of the table |
Isocenter and scale of the rotation movement of the table |
Geometrical focus |

Geocheck-1 - SeeDOS Code GC1
For a more detailed account of the Geocheck phantom please click here (pdf file)
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